Back to Nature

Mint Design Company handled the responsive development of a custom site built to showcase this New York architectural firm’s one-of-a-kind eco-friendly work. We created a custom gallery for showcase, unique grid based news solutions and a dynamic case studies with beautiful full screen parallax and galleries as well as a simple and usable back-end layout for client updates.

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Mint Design Company handled all responsive site design, development, and implementation, as well as worked with the client to create an IndieGogo campaign, Online and Social media ads and designed the overall product packaging and branding.

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The Grounds

Responsive site development on the WordPress CMS with a completely custom design. Implementing Bootstrap’s grid and using jquery and Edge for html5 cross-device footer animation.

Series of games developed in the html5 Canvas, built for multi-device use, utilizing dynamic physics and built with the pixiJS renderer for fast cross-device gameplay.

*NOTE: Unfortunately this site has since been degraded by later development and we’ve deactivated the link, view our reel to see it in action.

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Built on the ExpressionEngine CMS, created a fluid html5 pushState UI, implementing unique animation and transitional elements for a beautiful, yet highly useable and solid interface. Responsive design comprehensively tested across all modern devices and browsers.

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Discover South Carolina

Completed UX strategy and wireframing for the responsive redevelopment of the South Carolina Tourism site.
Responsibilities included comprehensive research into the tourism sector, who our users are, how they interact, user paths, goals and demographics. Mint Design handled strategy and wireframing for a unique and responsive user-centric trip planner, login/share system, advanced search and tag functionality, and product pages covering every attraction/event/restaurant/etc. in South Carolina.
I worked with the BFG Communications team of developers and designers to properly transfer the wires into the final product.

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Sheryl Crow and CSJ

Mini corporate site for the Chateau St. Jean and Sheryl Crow partnership. Built a custom responsive AJAX app optimized for all devices, using a unique html5 pushState smooth scrolling and animated UI.
A highly unique interface that had to adjust and smoothly fill both width and height as well as a responsive UI that detects and adjusts for any device size in real-time, implemented a responsive iFrame that scrolls, scales and interacts seamlessly inside the site design and on all devices, conceptualized and developed unique ways to smoothly load and animate each section of the site implementing key sprite and CSS3 animations where needed.

NOTE: We developed numerous Sheryl Crow and Chateau St. Jean partnership mini-sites for over two years, the promotions have since ended, view our reel to see it in action.

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